My name is Blake Lloyd Higginbotham. AKA- ‘Big-un’ or ‘Big-Higg.’ Only my friends and family call me by either. However, my wife of thirty-nine years has a very special term of endearment that she uses when she chooses. I also, have a very special term of endearment that I use whenever I want. If you want to know what her pet name is for me then you will have to ask her. I am not giving up her pet name at any cost. I am a son, husband, father, grandfather, great grandfather, singer, songwriter, author,producer,publisher, entrepreneur and marketplace guru. Enough about me...BLH

AKAPublications is the publishing division of Apostolic Kingdom Alliance, and we are committed to providing both editorial advice and professional services to other apostolic/prophetic writers, poets and storytellers. If are looking for a support base for burgeoning authors, then you have arrived.
We are looking forward to connecting, communicating, corroborating and collaborating with you on your next project, production or publication. Blessings!
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